Set objWMI = CreateObject('winmgmts:!\\. You can use other Office applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, etc. There is a perpetual version (desktop or standalone version) that is a one-time purchase. In this example I’m using Microsoft Word. The most current version of Microsoft Office is Office 2019.
I will begin by opening any one of the Office applications. We only need to follow these simple step-by-steps to do so: 1. For simplicity, though not efficiency, this with WMI seems to work Function Office32or64() As LongĬonst cFind As String = '00FF1CE}' ' note zeros and number 1Ĭonst HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H80000002 Finding out the 32-bit or 64-bit Office version is very easy. If the Installer's script can enumerate keys one way or another, eg behind the scenes with EnumRegKeyEx, it might be quite simple.